Category / Genesis / Genesis / Week 7
Day 44: The Sorrow of Evil
Read: Genesis 6:5-8
When I was little, I remember telling my parents that I was done with my homework…
Day 43: The Extent of Sin
Read: Genesis 6:1-4
My parents had two specific requests when they prayed to God about my future husb…
Day 42: A Meditation
God has been faithful for a long time, and He’s not planning on stopping anytime soon. Write a list …
Day 41: More Than Mundane
Read: Genesis 5:30-32
When I was in high school, in my world history class, the meaning of life came …
Day 40: Where Has Patience Gone?
Read: Genesis 5:25-29
Patience is not a common virtue found today. It is certainly not easy to come b…
Day 39: Walking with God
Read: Genesis 5:18-24
I was in high school when I first knew I wanted to enter the field of mental he…
Day 38: Sins Have a Snowball Effect
Read: Genesis 5:12-17
I visited home for a couple weeks after school finished. I crashed, exhausted f…
Day 37: God Sees Us
Read: Genesis 5:6-11
Time magazine highlighted the most influential people of 2019. The list includes …
Day 36: There is Value in Everyone
Read: Genesis 5:1-5
An elderly man walked into the coffee shop I work at and made his way over to the…
Day 35: A Meditation
Am I my brother’s keeper? My sister’s watchman? Are we trying to pull the rib out of Eve and shove i…