Category / Genesis / Genesis / Week 5
Day 35: A Meditation
Am I my brother’s keeper? My sister’s watchman? Are we trying to pull the rib out of Eve and shove i…
Day 34: Isn’t God Good?
Read: Genesis 4:17-26
As a kid, my brothers and I did not physically fight too often. And when we did…
Day 33: It Can Be Discovered
Read: Genesis 4:13-16
When I was younger, I volunteered with my church, painting the home of one of o…
Day 32: What We Need, Not Deserve
Read: Genesis 4:10-12
Some of my favorite books are in the Harry Potter series. The fifth book of the…
Day 31: Let It Go
Read: Genesis 4:8-9
You’re sitting in your car on the way to work. It’s 7:55, you have to be there at…
Day 30: Don’t Look Down
Read: Genesis 4:6-7
Remember when you were a kid? Playing was one of the best things to do, but your …
Day 29: Where’s the Heart?
Read: Genesis 4:1-5
I was lucky enough to be raised in a Christian home. I attended church from a ver…