Category / Genesis / Genesis / Week 11
Day 77: A Meditation
We all stand on the shoulders of those who have come before us. The inclination of the human heart i…
Day 76: Keep Reading
Read: Genesis 10:25-31
Something that is a real struggle for me is working out. Once about every thre…
Day 75: Every Decision Counts
Read: Genesis 10:21-24
John Wesley Rice, Jr. was a teacher in Alabama. He was a high school guidance …
Day 74: Will You Remember
Read: Genesis 10:15-20
I have been serving in the children’s ministry at my church off and on since I…
Day 73: Make it God’s Kingdom
Read: Genesis 10:10-14
Cady was the new girl in school after moving from Africa where she was homesch…
Day 72: All Credit Goes to God
Read: Genesis 10:6-9
Group projects. We all have been a part of them, and we hate almost all of them.…
Day 71: Promises Fufilled
Read: Genesis 10:1-5
“Cross my heart and hope to die.” This was the saying that my friends and I said…