Author / Raquelle
Raquelle (Social Media Specialist/ Photographer) is a 9w1, a Junior at Moody in the Communications department studying photography and videography. She grew up in Buffalo, New York, friendliest city in america. She first picked up a camera at twelve years old and has been fascinated with cameras ever since. She enjoys dogs, carne asada tacos, taking photos, and she is especially passionate about fighting for all human rights.
Day 84: A Meditation
In there hubris the people of Bible thought they could ascend to the place of God. The beauty of the…
Day 77: A Meditation
We all stand on the shoulders of those who have come before us. The inclination of the human heart i…
Day 70: A Meditation
Remember there is only one hero in the biblical narrative. We were never called to created to be the…
Day 63: A Meditation
Faith is often talk of as a feeling of certainty. But what do you do when you don’t feel certain? Do…
Day 62: Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane
Read: Genesis 8:20-22
God establishes a covenant with Noah in this passage. In order to do so, Noah b…
Day 61: God Loves Animals Too
Read: Genesis 8:18-19
When Noah finally stepped foot on land after many months, God told him to “brin…
Day 60: God Doesn’t Need Us
Read: Genesis 8:13-17
Humanity was given a second chance through Noah. God wiped out the whole earth …
Day 59: Each Breath Whispers Yahweh
Read: Genesis 8:10-12
After a period of waiting, Noah decided to let the dove out of the ark. The dov…
Day 58: Welcome to the Threshold
Read: Genesis 8:6-9
“In-between” periods can be uncomfortable or awkward. You may be in your in-betwe…
Day 57: All of Creation is Cherished
Read: Genesis 8:1-5
The tension throughout the last few chapters of Genesis has led up to this point.…