Author / Kennedy
Day 28: A Prayer
Consider praying these words to our God. Then spend quality time in prayer and praise to a God who d…
Day 21: A Prayer
Consider praying these words to our God. Then spend quality time in prayer and praise to a God who d…
Day 20: Glorifying Love
Read: 1 John 3:1-2
When my now husband and I were dating he went through Marine Corps boot camp. At …
Day 19: Sanctifying Love
Read: 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, John 15
House plants make me so happy. I love the idea of my home being …
Day 18: Adopting Love
Read: Romans 8:14-17
My husband’s little brother is eight years old, but was adopted when He was thre…
Day 17: Justifying Love (we stand accepted before Him)
Read: Romans 3:23-26
I recently got married and have learned that nothing shows you the messiness of …
Day 16: Calling Love (never leaving or forsaking)
Read: 1 Peter 2:9-12, 1 Thessalonians 5:23-25
I lived in the same house until I went off to college, …
Day 15: Suffering Love
Read: John 3:16-17, Romans 5:1-5
This year I witnessed my family go through heartbreak after heartbre…
Day 14: A Prayer
Consider praying these words to our God. Then spend quality time in prayer and praise to a God who d…
Day 7: A Prayer
Consider praying these words to our God. Then spend quality time in prayer and praise to a God who d…