Author / Eliana
Day 69: Do You Trust Him?
Read: John 17:24-26
We’ve all been judged by others. In everyday life, we learn to expect that peopl…
Day 68: Know Us By Our Love
Read: John 17:20-23
My freshman year, I was out swing dancing with a group of friends. We took turns …
Day 67: In the World, Not of the World
Read: John 17:14-19
Growing up, my mom told my siblings and I time and time again that we are to be “…
Day 66: Community Like the Trinity
Read: John 17:9-13
The first part of my junior year was one of the most isolated seasons of my life.…
Day 65: God With Us
Read: John 17:6-8
My best friend lived in West Africa during high school. We grew up going to church…
Day 64: Glory in Goodness
Read: John 17:1-5
Most likely, you learned about the water cycle in elementary school. How water stor…
Day 6: Heaven Opened
Read: John 1:43-50
It’s said that who you know is the factor that will bring success in life. Yes, ta…
Day 5: Meeting the Savior
Read: John 1:35-42
It’s amazing to hear parents tell about the birth of their children. Mom’s specif…
Day 4: An Unimaginable Sacrifice
Read: John 1:29-34
Countless people in history have made unimaginable sacrifices, many of whom are un…
Day 3: Direct their Eyes
Read: John 1:19-28
Jay Gatsby is the main character of the well-known book by F. Scott Fitzgerald, “T…