Category / Genesis / Genesis / Week 8
Day 54: One True Cleansing
Read Genesis 7:17–20
Almost every culture in history has some form of a flood story. As a child, I re…
Day 53: Patience in the Waiting
Read Genesis 7:14–16
In my life, there have been a lot of things that made me wait. From jobs, to rel…
Day 52: Waters Rise
Read: Genesis 7:11–14
Storms terrify me. After experiencing a horrible storm when I was camping as a …
Day 51: Provision from God
Read: Genesis 7:6–10
When I was 15, I signed up to go on a trip to Haiti that was two months long. I …
Day 50: Living Obediently
Read: Genesis 7:1–5
Growing up, when I was asked to do things by my parents, I was notoriously bad ab…
Day 49: A Meditation
Being surrounded by darkness doesn’t mean that we are called to hide out light. Remember Jesus’ teac…
Day 48: Live By Obedience
Read: Genesis 6:19-22
Growing up, some Saturdays in our home consisted of doing chores. We had a hous…
Day 47: Stop Making Your Own Plans
Read: Genesis 6:17-18
Before I got to this country, I heard about the “American Dream.” It was a conc…
Day 46: God’s Plan
Read: Genesis 6:13-16
A lot of professors I’ve had tell me to follow exactly what they’ve written in …
Day 45: Be Different
Read: Genesis 6:9-12
Peer pressure is something that never goes away. And it doesn’t necessarily have…