Author / Brennen
Brennen Daniels (Creative Director) is a Junior at Moody Bible Institute, focusing on The Intersection of Art & Theology as a Communications major. He hails from a small town in Illinois that hosts the largest event celebrating sweet corn. When not writing, you can find him hanging with friends, reading poetry, or having an existential emotional crisis as an Enneagram 4.
Day 10: Made for Relationship
Read: Genesis 2:8-14
Yesterday, we saw how uniquely humans were formed. The Creator of the world does…
Day 9: Potter and His Clay
Read: Genesis 2:4-7
Right now, there are over seven billion people living on planet earth. Along with…
Day 8: Take a Sabbath
Read: Genesis 2:1-3
After the stunning display of power that God shows by creating the world in Chapt…
Day 1: From Eden
Click play to listen to the audio version of this devotional. From Eden
Thousands of years ago, a man …