Day 3: Humility Through Trials

Read: James 1:9-12

We tend to be selfish when we experience trials, don’t we? We feel that we have the right to be selfish. I know this because I’ve done it too.

I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression since the sixth grade. On bad days, I often only think of myself. “Why aren’t people helping me?” “I can act this way; I am the one who’s hurting.” “ I would be there for you, but I have my own issues.” I struggle with humility as I isolate and concern myself with only my own needs.

Despite this pattern, God calls us to have humility. He just wants us to have humility. Period. As we go through trials, hardships, and brokenness, we’re asked to humble ourselves. We need to trust God is in control and that we aren’t the only ones suffering. This isn’t to say our suffering isn’t valid, but that we shouldn’t be consumed with our own needs.

 I quickly found out that when I’d take time to care for others as I was struggling, I found comfort in God. I found happiness, healing, fulfillment, and growth. As soon as I saw that I could use my struggles to help others rather than gather pity, I realized that God was able to take what is meant for evil and use it for good (Gen 50:20). I could boast in my exaltation, my joy.

Not only is humility a command from God, but it also helps us stand firm through our trials. We are able to see the goodness of God. We can use our suffering for His glory and give it a divine purpose. We are able to say, “This is hard, but I am not going to let it define me or stop me from praising my God.”

James 1:12 says, “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” When we lean into God during trials and trust Him, we will find encouragement to endure.

 Reach out to someone you know is going through a trial. Send a quick “Hey, how are you doing?” text to show that you care. Let them know you are praying for them and take a moment right then to pray. As you feel is right, bring them a cup of coffee, help out with a project, be there to listen, or find a way to spend time with them.

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