Tag / Devotional
Day 7: A Prayer
Consider praying these words to our God. Then spend quality time in prayer and praise to a God who d…
Day 6: God is a Father
Read: Hebrews 12:3–7 (cf. 1 John 4:16–18)
In central Texas, where I’m from, it’s not uncommon when yo…
Day 5: God is Jealous
Read: John 3:35–36 (cf. Exodus 34:13–15)
I remember my days in middle school with a shudder. I found c…
Day 4: God’s Gravitational Love
Read: Genesis 22:1–18
I have always found astronomy fascinating because of how the hugeness and intri…
Day 2: God is a Sweet Society
Read: Genesis 1:26–31
As a teenager, I went through years of chaotic identity crisis. Growing up, my …
Day 1: God is Love
Read: 1 John 4:7–21
When I was five and my brother was three, we were living as missionary kids in ea…
Day 7: A Reflection
Join us for this week’s special Coronavirus reflecting podcast with our student-led Metanoia d…
Day 6: Relieved
Read: Matthew 6:25–34
At first, it didn’t seem real. Spring break was still going on, and no school w…
Day 5: We Need You
Read: Psalm 42
There’s something you should know about me, I’m a huge sports fan. But it’s hard to be…
Day 4: Don’t Waste The Crisis
Read: Numbers 21:4–9; John 3:14–15
In most times of crisis, my first response is denial. I’m not prou…