Day 46: I Believe
Read: John 11:17-27
I was really young when I first heard about the death and resurrection of God. Since I grew up in the church, I can’t remember a time when I didn’t know who Jesus was. I’ve always believed He was real. I trusted my Sunday School teacher when she told my 3-year old self that He died and rose again. I just imagined that Jesus was eaten by an alligator and then appeared right after next to it. I have no idea what made me think this, but I remember it’s what I believed. Since then, I’ve learned about the cross, that He was in the grave for three days, and that there was no alligator. I’ve increasingly learned more and more about Jesus throughout my life. When I was 3, I didn’t fully understand everything about Jesus, but I still had faith in the death and resurrection. I believed despite my limited understanding.
Jesus went to Bethany to visit Lazarus’ sisters. He knew Lazarus was dead and that He would raise him from the dead, yet He didn’t rush off to perform the miracle and fix everything. He took the time to meet with the sisters in their grief. He first met with Martha because she had come out to Him. In verse 21 John writes, “Martha said to Jesus, ‘Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.’” She was rightfully upset at the death of her brother, yet she continued in verse 22 with a statement of faith saying, “but even now I know that whatever you ask from God, God will give you.”
She trusted in Jesus. He told her of His plan in verse 23. “Jesus said to her, ‘Your brother will rise again.’” She didn’t fully understand what Jesus was saying. Jesus could have just gone then and resurrected Lazarus to show off more of His power, but He chose to take the time to be with Martha and explain who He is to her.
In verses 25-26, Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” Martha responded yes. She believed that Jesus had power over death despite her limited understanding of what was about to happen. She would come to know that only He could forgive our sins. He is life. He can restore. Through Him we can have eternal life.
Read the statement from Jesus over again from verses 25-26. Read the verses out loud to God in prayer. Replace the beginning of each phrase with “I believe…” For example, “I believe you are the resurrection and the life.” Meditate on the words you are praying to God. Are they true?