Day 60: Promises Get Fulfilled
Read: Romans 11:28-32
I’m not the greatest at keeping promises. I don’t always follow through on my word when I tell people I’ll be there for them. I’m not purposefully trying to disappoint them, but sometimes, things get in the way of my best plans. When we break our promises, we let people down.
Because I’m aware of this flaw of mine, I’ve decided to be more careful with my words, making sure I don’t make promises I can’t keep, only to let them down. This is why I am so grateful to have a God Who never breaks His promises, and Who always keeps His word.
In Romans 11:28-32, Paul speaks about God’s unbroken promises to His people. Addressing the Gentiles, Paul explains how Israel has become an enemy of Christ because of Gentile inclusion. After the Gentiles have been grafted in, God will reopen the floodgates and allow His chosen people to return home through repentance and faith.
At first, it may have looked like Israel was being permanently cut off from God’s grace due to their rejection of their Messiah, Jesus Christ. But God had already made promises to the great ancestors of the Jewish people (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob) that He would make a way for them. And God keeps His promises!
When humanity went its own way and fell into the misery of sin and death, God made a promise to bless Abraham, multiply his descendants, and bless the nations through them (Gen 22:18-19). Throughout history, we see God affirming that promise by preserving the Jewish people in the midst of horrific tragedies.
And God has remained faithful to His word! Not only will He allow His chosen people to return to the faith, but He has designed a plan that allowed Gentiles to be included as well.
Neither Jew nor Gentile has done anything to earn the grace of God which was given to us through Jesus. As Romans 11:32 says, “For God has consigned all to disobedience, that he may have mercy on all.” Regardless of external circumstances, God’s promises to His people remain consistent. That gives us even more reason to stay faithful to Him for the sake of the One who died for us!
Do you wrestle with keeping your word to others? Broken promises are something we’ve all been guilty of. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Ask God to help you with consistency. Remain faithful to Him, and He can help you be faithful to others.