Category / Identity / Identity / Week 2
Day 13: God is so Faithful
Read: Romans 3:1-8
The preacher stood on the camp chapel stage. His voice was raised, not with anger,…
Day 12: Heart Check
Read: Romans 2:25-29
Everyone in my family has curly hair. It’s a mark binding us together as a famil…
Day 11: Stand Out
Read: Romans 2:17-24
I can’t remember a time in my life where I didn’t know about God. I grew u…
Day 10: Faith over Knowledge
Read: Romans 2:12-16
It was the prettiest sight I had ever seen. Utterly extravagant and breathtaking…
Day 9: Pray for Faith
Read: Romans 2:6-11
Salvation cannot be earned. Salvation cannot be earned. These are words I had cau…
Day 8: Replace the Judgement
It was a rare sunny spring season on the small Greek island in the Aegean Sea, and I was there servi…