Category / Identity / Identity / Week 10
Day 69: Live by the Word
Read: Romans 14:5-12
Having someone to keep you accountable is a great thing. It helps us get over ba…
Day 68: It’s Not Our Job to Judge
Read: Romans 14:1-4
We need to change our mindset when it comes to judging others. Everyone has their…
Day 67: Comparison Kills Love
Read: Romans 13:8-14
I wish being content came easier than jealousy. But, that’s just not the case. M…
Day 66: Honor Leaders, Honor God
Read: Romans 13:1-7
It is so easy to take your parents for granted. I remember when I used to have a …
Day 65: Forgiveness in Light of Evil
Read: Romans 12:16-21
*PSA: Sensitive Content
It wasn’t too long ago when a “friend” raped me. This pe…
Day 64: Show Love in Action
Read: Romans 12:9-15
Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. I was sevent…