Category / Genesis / Genesis / Week 2
Day 14: A Meditation
We are heavenly arranged dust. Kneaded by hands that know no age. We have heaven on our breath. He…
Day 13: Giving Up Ourselves
Read: Genesis 2:21-25
So far this week, we’ve seen the importance and magnitude of what it means to b…
Day 12: The Power Of Community
Read: Genesis 2:18-20
Growing up, my dad was a pastor and let me tell you, the “pastor kid” pressures…
Day 11: The Dirt We Came From
Read: Genesis 2:15-17
So far in Genesis, everything had been nothing but good. So good! God had been …
Day 10: Made for Relationship
Read: Genesis 2:8-14
Yesterday, we saw how uniquely humans were formed. The Creator of the world does…
Day 9: Potter and His Clay
Read: Genesis 2:4-7
Right now, there are over seven billion people living on planet earth. Along with…
Day 8: Take a Sabbath
Read: Genesis 2:1-3
After the stunning display of power that God shows by creating the world in Chapt…