Category / Genesis / Genesis / Week 10
Day 70: A Meditation
Remember there is only one hero in the biblical narrative. We were never called to created to be the…
Day 69: Don’t Get Hammered, Kids
Read: Genesis 9:24-29
After the whole fiasco of Noah getting hammered and Ham gossiping about it to h…
Day 68: There Are No Heroes In This Story
Read: Genesis 9:18-23
The flood is over, humanity is restored, at least in some respects, to the way …
Day 67: We All Need Reminders
Read: Genesis 9:12-17
If you spend any more than a couple days with me, you will realize one of my fa…
Day 66: Over and Over Again
Read: Genesis 9:8-11
After establishing the importance of human life and giving Noah a list of comman…
Day 65: The Value Within Us
Read: Genesis 9:3-7
In chapter 2 of Genesis, God creates man uniquely for relationship with Himself. …
Day 64: A Second Chance
Read: Genesis 9:1-2
The account of the flood is a tricky one. Honestly, it’s a hard story to sw…