Author / Elizabeth
Elizabeth (Graphic Designer) is a Junior at Moody Bible Institute where she studies Communications, emphasizing in Graphic Design and Non-Profit Communications. Having grown up in Washington State, she loves being outside and particularly enjoys hiking, hunting for mushrooms, dancing in the rain, and walking with her toes in the cold Pacific Ocean. She’s a 3w2 on the Enneagram.
Day 2: It’s Okay to Mourn
Read: Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
I’m good at hiding my true feelings. I’m good at pretending and putting on …
Day 28: A Meditation
God has loved us with such an immeasurable love which we cannot even begin to understand. It is myst…
Day 21: A Meditation
God has given us a joy that can’t compare to this world. These songs were chosen to represent that G…
Day 14: A Meditation
Peace is freedom. Peace is freedom from all disturbances, anger, hatred, remorse, discord. Peace is …
Day 7: A Meditation
Not only did Jesus die on the cross to take the punishment for our sins, but He rose back to life to…
Day 2: Praying Hands
Praying Hands
About five years ago my “Uncle Mark” (a close family friend) asked me to do a sketch of…