Author / Brennen
Brennen Daniels (Creative Director) is a Junior at Moody Bible Institute, focusing on The Intersection of Art & Theology as a Communications major. He hails from a small town in Illinois that hosts the largest event celebrating sweet corn. When not writing, you can find him hanging with friends, reading poetry, or having an existential emotional crisis as an Enneagram 4.
Day 29: Closed Doors
Read: Matthew 26:1-13
Doors are a common metaphor used in Christian circles. I couldn’t even count on…
Day 69: Don’t Get Hammered, Kids
Read: Genesis 9:24-29
After the whole fiasco of Noah getting hammered and Ham gossiping about it to h…
Day 68: There Are No Heroes In This Story
Read: Genesis 9:18-23
The flood is over, humanity is restored, at least in some respects, to the way …
Day 67: We All Need Reminders
Read: Genesis 9:12-17
If you spend any more than a couple days with me, you will realize one of my fa…
Day 66: Over and Over Again
Read: Genesis 9:8-11
After establishing the importance of human life and giving Noah a list of comman…
Day 65: The Value Within Us
Read: Genesis 9:3-7
In chapter 2 of Genesis, God creates man uniquely for relationship with Himself. …
Day 64: A Second Chance
Read: Genesis 9:1-2
The account of the flood is a tricky one. Honestly, it’s a hard story to sw…
Day 13: Giving Up Ourselves
Read: Genesis 2:21-25
So far this week, we’ve seen the importance and magnitude of what it means to b…
Day 12: The Power Of Community
Read: Genesis 2:18-20
Growing up, my dad was a pastor and let me tell you, the “pastor kid” pressures…
Day 11: The Dirt We Came From
Read: Genesis 2:15-17
So far in Genesis, everything had been nothing but good. So good! God had been …