Day 13: The Example of Peace

Read: Luke 2:39-40 and Isaiah 26:2-4

I’ve been in Chicago for almost two years now. I can say that with all of the difficulties that come with moving and transition, not just for school but to a new city, the more I turned to God, the more peace I found.

When I couldn’t understand what was going on or why, I continued to find peace when I turned my mind to Christ. I haven’t always been the best at this, but doing this more in the past 5 years of my life than any other time has shown me it’s the best way to go.

In fulfilling prophecy in the Old Testament, Jesus and his parents moved on to Nazareth. In Luke 2:40, Jesus is described as becoming strong, wise, and having “the favor of the Lord” on Him. That’s a wonderful thing. And, you know what, those who place their faith in Christ have an opportunity for the same thing.

When I consider what these passages mean to believers, and the ability that we have to take part in the peace that God offers, it is both awe-inspiring and humbling. God loved us so much that He not only gifted us with peace regardless of our circumstances, but gave us a model in His Son for how to live that out.

In Isaiah 26:3-4, the author writes, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.”

When I look at God more than I look at the dysfunction of my life, I see peace. It never leaves. It doesn’t move even when I feel like it does. Because “the Lord God is an everlasting rock” and His promises are just as sturdy.

The beautiful part about peace is that Christ modeled it for us in His life and earthly ministry. He modeled it from the time that He was a boy through His adult life and ministry. That is something that brings peace in and of itself.

Write down some of the things that you are struggling to hand over to God. Is it your future? Has something happened that disturbs the plan you had? Pray over each of them and watch how your perspective changes. Be honest with God. He can take it.

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