Day 4: The Giver to Sinners
Read: James 1:13-18
I love receiving gifts. When people see something and think of me and are really intentional when putting together a gift, I feel incredibly loved. The last two years for my birthday, my roommate Lizzie created a made-up picture book about our friendship and adventures. It is one of the most thoughtful gifts I’ve ever received. It made me laugh and tear up with joy. I felt loved. Lizzie took the time to write it, put it together, and draw little pictures. Even though it’s simply made of paper and marker, I treasure the gift deeply. Her generosity exemplifies the love of God to others.
Just like our friends give gifts, God gives us gifts too. He gives us the best gifts in the world abundantly and effectively. God gave us His only son to die on the cross, but didn’t stop there. He still continues to give to us. God gives us life, our friends, our family, jobs, food, water, a home, and the list continues. He gives personalized gifts to each of His children. In my own life, He has given me the ability to write, a strong support system, a summer camp that changed my life, an incredible roommate, and so much more. Every gift He gives is good.
In the first chapter of James, verse 17 states, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” The Bible tells us that not only is God a good gift-giver, but the perfect gift-giver. Every single good and perfect gift is from Him. He is responsible for the good, the joy, and the love in our lives.
God gives, but what He doesn’t do is tempt. Verse 13 says, “Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am being tempted by God,’ for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one.” God does not make us sin; we alone are responsible. We are sinners and have been since birth. We’re tempted by our own wants and desires, not God’s. He is good.
Our God is perfect, sinless, and blameless. We are broken, sinful, and to be blamed, yet God still desires to give to His people. He loves us despite our rebellion. He is good. God is good to us even when we are fighting so hard against Him. He should be praised for everything good in our lives. He knows our needs and is intentional with every gift. Our God is the perfect gift-giver.
Find a piece of paper and take ten minutes to write down as many good gifts in your life that God has given you that you can think of. Afterwards, praise Him for each of these. Try to add three more things to thank God for each day.